Thursday, October 31, 2019
Urban economics homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Urban economics homework - Assignment Example b) Utilities are a typical household expense that can drive a personââ¬â¢s monthly expenses up or down, depending on the season. Therefore, it is not possible that all the 50 residents can have the same level of utility. c) Capitalization causes the equilibrium, and the price per unit housing may differ following the fact that, equilibrium between the two jurisdictions, and poor households are the majority in the inner parts of an urban area where they vote for a low public service level. At the same time in the suburbs, the majority households are rich and they vote high public service. However, the commuting cost, land prices, and income can adjust making both case of households indifferent between jurisdictions. a) In respect to the household wealth complements, people prefer to live in communities with a higher level of public good and higher taxes than others. The economic intuition for this behavior can be attributed to the source and level of income that a households gets on a monthly base or annually. This would differentiate between the two types of household (Balchin, Paul, David Isaac, and Jean). b) As mentioned earlier in case 1 the utility level depends on a season. Again the amount of income comes in where by high income earners utility level is likely to be high compared to that of low income earner. c) The equilibrium level in terms of price per house cannot remain constant. This is because factors such as the commuting cost, land prices, income, environmental conditions, security, house demand and the quality of a those house units keeps on changing. d) It is unlikely that the wage level between the two types of households is the same following the fact that households with above-average income pay high taxes than they get while households with inferior than average income get more than their tax liability. Households with higher incomes demand more of the public good, they are likely to pay high taxes due to rising income if
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sociology and Anthropology Essay Example for Free
Sociology and Anthropology Essay A. The Science of Sociology and Anthropology Sociology is the scientific study of human society and its origins, development, organizations, and institutions. ] It is a social science which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity, structures, and functions. A goal for many sociologists is to conduct research which may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, while others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes. Subject matter ranges from the micro level of individual agency and interaction to the macro level of systems and the social structure. The traditional focuses of sociology include social stratification, social class, culture, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, and deviance. As all spheres of human activity are affected by the interplay between social structure and individual agency, sociology has gradually expanded its focus to further subjects, such as health, medical, military and penal institutions, the Internet, environmental sociology, political economy and the role of social activity in the development of scientific knowledge. Anthropology is the study of humans, past and present. To understand the full sweep and complexity of cultures across all of human history, anthropology draws and builds upon knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as the humanities and physical sciences. A central concern of anthropologists is the application of knowledge to the solution of human problems. Historically, anthropologists in the United States have been trained in one of four areas: sociocultural anthropology, biological/physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics. Anthropologists often integrate the perspectives of several of these areas into their research, teaching, and professional lives. Sociology and anthropology are separate, but related, branches of the social sciences that study humans and society.Ã Once anthropology and sociology were similar in how they studied humans, but in the early part of the 20th century, their methodologies and foci diverged. B. The Development of Sociology and Anthropology The history of Anthropology and Sociology is long and full of invaluable insights into the human condition. It provides a mirror that reaches deep into ourselves and explains why we do things that are sometimes contradictory to logic, and most often in alliance with societal standards. For these reasons, Anthropology and Sociology have remained highly esteemed fields of study and continue to flourish as a library of social thought grows. August Comte was the first to coin the term sociology. He was not the first to create theories of sociology, but was the first to proclaim himself a sociologist. Comte was a functionalist who believed every aspect of society served a purpose. He is most famous for his idea of social statics and dynamics. Social statics is the study of social order, whereas social dynamics is the study of social change and progress. Dividing the study of sociology into these two categories created two different frames of reference from which sociology could be studied (Collins and Makowsky 26). The next significant development in sociology came with Karl Marx. Marx was a conflict theorist who believed that all aspects of society could be explained as a struggle between two or more opposing groups. There were three parts to Marxs theory. First, there was his sociology which established the class system (Collins and Makowsky 34). This system included the capitalists, or bourgeois, who owned the means of production and profited from exploiting workers, or the proletariat (Collins and Makowsky 40). Next, Marxs politics explained that a class struggle for power would be won by the group that best suits the evolving economy (Collins and Makowsky 36). Since the only way for the capitalist to profit is by exploiting the worker, and the worker cannot profit on his own because he does not own the means of production, capitalists could drive wages lower and lower until the workers revolt (Collins and Makowsky 41). Finally, Marx speculated that this revolt would occur because the worker would be gaining less from their work than what they put in. This was his social/political philosophy (Collins and Makowsky 45). At around the same time in the field of Anthropology the predominant school of thought was becoming the social evolutionists. These theorists used Charles Darwins theory of evolution to explain society (Collins and Makowsky 85). Herbert Spencer said that societies were like organisms in that they went from simple to complex and independent to interdependent. However, societies were not like organisms because they were not organized similarly or interconnected (Collins and Makowsky 85-86). Sir Edward Burnett Tylor was another social evolutionist who believed that all cultures were derived from a single body of information and that certain societies had less and others more (McGee and Warms 27). Lewis Henry Morgan perpetuated this idea by claiming that there were three types of societies: savage, barbarian, and civilized (McGee and Warms 41). The aspects of the society that determined how evolved the culture was along this scale were how people gained subsistence, the system of government, language, family, religion, house life and architecture, and the type of ownership of property (McGee and Warms 42). The three stages could be defined along the lines of inventions and discoveries and the types of primary institutions (McGee and Warms 46). Some years after the social evolutionists established their theories of Anthropology, Emile Durkheim made an impact on Sociology. Like Comte, he too was a functionalist. Durkheim created many theories, among them the most notable being that of the function of crime and Social Facts. Durkheim believed that the function of crime was to unify members of society. Crime provides a principle behind which most members of society can stand behind and become united. The repercussions of crime also teach the youth the norms and values of a society (Collins and Makowsky 105). Durkheim is also commended for his theory of Social Facts. A Social Fact is determined by a society and is not true across all societies, whereas facts are true across all societies (McGee and Warms 88). Another sociologist who was working at the same time as Emile Durkheim was Max Weber. Weber was a symbolic interactionalist who believed that all interactions in society represented a deeper characteristic of society. However, Weber was also a Marxist who deemed class, power, and status the foundation of society (Collins and Makowsky 120-121). Weber spent much of his time explaining the forms of government. He described two types of government: Patrimonialism and Bureaucracy. In Patrimonialism, positions in government were awarded via traditional legitimacy, or birth-right (Collins and Makowsky 126). No special skills were needed to fulfill job requirements and there were generally few to no rules. In Bureaucracy, people were appointed or elected for positions. This system used rational-legal legitimacy and contained a hierarchy. Bureaucracy required a great amount of specialization and included many rules and regulations (Collins and Makowsky 127). Two other symbolic interactionalists who made significant contributions to sociology around this time were Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead. Cooley developed the concept of the Looking-Glass self. The principle had three dimensions. First, people look at themselves as they think others see them. Then, they look for judgments others may be making about them. And finally, they evaluate those judgments and adjust their behavior accordingly (Collins and Makowsky 167). Mead also created a model of the self. In Meads theory, the first stage we encounter is the me. This is a stage in which we anticipate stimuli and react with formulated responses. As we mature, we enter the I where we are now able to see the expectations society has of us and we react with conditioned responses (Collins and Makowsky 174). After we are able to identify ourselves as part of a community, we adjust our actions to best suit the interests of the community (Collins and Makowsky 175). A new school of Anthropology developed shortly after the theories of Cooley and Mead. The school was Historical Particularism and it drew upon the work of Franz Boas and Alfred L.Ã Kroeber. Historical Particularism brought with it the idea that each society has a unique history based on different paths of development and therefore, no society is inferior to the next (McGee and Warms 130). Boas believed that one must immerse oneself in a culture in order to understand it and draw conclusions. This was starkly different to the anthropologists before him who used comparative studies to examine other cultures. Boas used ethnographic studies to document cultures that were about to be lost because of contact with the outside world (131-132). Kroeber was Boas student, however Kroeber took a different approach to anthropology. He did not believe that the individual played a significant role in the development of society, whereas Boas did (McGee and Warms 133). Kroebers major contribution to anthropological theory was his Eighteen Professions. These professions were eighteen beliefs about social evolution which Kroeber did not agree with. He believed that social evolution began on an assumption that society evolves like organisms, and did not believe heory should include assumptions (McGee and Warms 141). Three equally influential anthropologists of the same time period were Bronislaw Malinowski, Alfred Reginald Radcliff-Brown, and Edward Everet Evans-Pritchard. All three belonged to the Structural Functionalist school of anthropology. Structural Functionalists sought to understand the underlying structure of society. The most notable Structural Functionalist was Malinowski. He studied the Kula trade in New Guinea with the Trobriand Islanders. Malinowski discovered that necklaces and bracelets being exchanged in this system were not just gifts between tribes. They were in fact creating a relationship between the tribes so that other goods, such as food, could be traded freely because of the established bond between the two tribes (McGee and Warms 161). Radcliffe-Brown is best known for his research on the relationship a child holds with his or her mothers brother. He hypothesized that the mothers brother acts as a second, or surrogate, mother to the child whereas the father of the child acts as a disciplinarian. In addition, the child has access to the mothers brothers food and property if the mother dies and the mothers brother helps when the child is sick or if the mother is no longer capable of caring for the child. This explains the positive relationship that the mothers brother has with the child, and the negative relationship a child has with his or her father (McGee and Warms 177). Previous theorists such as Sigmund Freud had speculated that a negative relationship a son had with his father was a result of jealousy the son felt because the father was having sex with the mother (Collins and Makowsky 148). The last of the Structural Functionalists was Evans-Pritchard. He developed the idea of a Segmentary Lineage System. This was a system by which people see themselves in relationship to each other depending on how closely related they are to each other. For example, even if an individual is friends with someone from another family, they will take the side of a member of their own family before defending the friend outside their bloodline (McGee and Warms 191). During this time, another school of anthropology was developing. This was the school of Culture and Personality. Culture and Personality was defined by three themes: the relationships between culture and human nature, culture and individual personality, and culture and society typical socialization. It was pioneered by two anthropologists; Ruth Fulton Benedict and Margaret Mead (McGee and Warms 206). Benedicts major contribution was the highly influential concept of cultural relativism. Cultural relativism asserted that there are no superior or inferior cultures, only different cultures. Benedict also stressed that cultural configuration established the personality of its members. She was primarily interested in culture and human nature (McGee and Warms 209). Mead was chiefly concerned with culture and the individual. Her major contribution was a study on Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies. Mead studied three tribes: the Mundugumor, the Arapesh, and the Tchambuli. In the Mundugumor tribe, both sexes were aggressive head hunters. In the Arapesh tribe, both men and women were gentle and calm problem solvers. In the Tchambuli tribe, men were apt to gossip and provided nurturing while women were dominant. Since all three of these systems were very different from the western, patriarchal way of thinking, they contributed significantly to the study of anthropology (McGee and Warms 222). Another movement in anthropological thought began in this time period. It was called Cultural Ecology and Neo-Evolutionary Thought. Pioneered by Julian Steward and George Peter Murdock and focused on how societies adapt to their environments as a measurement of evolution (McGee and Warms 225). When Boas made ethnographic studies a standard in anthropology, cross-cultural studies had been abandoned. Murdock revived the practice of cross-cultural studies and created the Human Relations Area Files. This was a collection of my volumes documenting the organization of various cultures around the world (McGee and Warms 263). Murdock also contributed significantly to the study of divorce. He hypothesized that a stable marriage is more likely if one or more of three factors are in place. First, a bride price helped to secure a marriage because there was no obligation to repay the price and therefore marriage was profitable. Second, arranged marriage would stabilize a marriage. The final factor that would ensure the stability of a marriage was the crow. This is a situation in which women are stolen and would not be returned because this is a sign of weakness (McGee and Warms 265-266). Steward is responsible for the distinction between culture type and culture core. A societys culture type is how a culture uses a specific technology to exploit the environment. Culture core accounts for the features of a culture that play a role. Knowing both the culture type and core of a society can prove useful when studying how the society aintains subsistence (McGee and Warms 228). Up until this point in history, few if any sociologists had touched upon race. Then, the rise of the black sociologist occurred in the form of W. E. B. DuBois. DuBois was a Marxist and saw blacks as the modern day proletariat. He believed it was segregation that kept black from obtaining jobs and in turn bad jobs led blacks to lower economic status. DuBois believed the only way to create chang e was through education, though he admitted that education was useless under segregation (Collins and Makowsky 196). DuBois also suggested that blacks have a double consciousness. Blacks feel caught between two identities: one black, and one American. These two identities divert blacks attention from fulfilling either identity to its fullest extent. It also places undue mental stress on African-Americans to keep switching identities to match their circumstances (Farganis 180). Several years later, Erving Goffman, another symbolic interactionalist, contributed his theory of Dramaturgy. Goffman stated that each one of us has a back stage and a front stage. The back stage is who we really are when we think we are not being judged. Goffman categorizes this as a accurate identity. The front stage is the act we put on for the rest of society to see. This is what Goffman labels a fabricated identity (Farganis 360). There are four steps to managing a fabricated identity. First, one must control the setting. Then, an individual puts on a personal front. Next, one will play the part they have created. And finally, the individual must manage the audience (Farganis 366-367). Another influential sociologist was Michele Foucault. He belonged to the new movement of Contemporary European Thought under the umbrella of Post-Modernism. Foucault suggested that over time, societies discourse, or presumed truths, have changed. For example, during the middle ages, society at large made the assumption that everything in the world could be explained through religion. However, during the enlightenment, the discourse of western thought shifted to look towards science for an answer to all phenomena (Faganis 411). In post-modernism, sociologists propose that there are no ultimate truths that science, religion, or any other institution can define (Farganis 413). At the same time, Claude Levi-Strauss is studying language from an anthropological standpoint. His major contribution to the field is through his inclination to approach linguistics from a structuralist point of view. Levi-Strauss asserts that language should be studied to discover the underlying structures that create societies. Previous theorist such as Boas thought language was important to study because it showed how we categorize the world (McGee and Warms 335). Around this time, Sally Slocum is attempting to perform a Feminist Critique. Female anthropologists and sociologist of the past had too often focused on the importance of men in society and glossed over the contributions of women. Slocum pointed out that women are second class citizens in most societies because of their association with nature which was seen as untamed and therefore dangerous. Men were associated with culture because they were the controllers of culture. This created an image of men as being the more civilized of the two genders. Women were aligned with nature because of their ability to bear children and the work they commonly did producing, instead of killing as men often did (McGee and Warms 419). These anthropologists and sociologists of the past have provided current thinkers with a basis for further research and exploration. Today, Anthropology and Sociology are growing fields of interest across the world. Thousands of anthropologists and sociologists chip away at lifes major questions every day. As the canon of literature grows, human beings grow closer and closer towards self-actualization.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effects of Teenage Pregnancy
Effects of Teenage Pregnancy Abstract In this paper, teen pregnancy is discussed. You would get an insight on contraception, abortion, sex ed., peer pressure, parental influence, and social situations. As stated in the paper, teen pregnancy is very serious, and its also a very sticky situation to go through especially as a teen. Teen females usually dont purposely want to get pregnant; they are mostly pressured or want to explore their sexual curiosities. Sometimes however, girls purposely try and get pregnant because they want to be a mother. In this paper you will learn all about teenage mothers and their babies and how it affects the both of them. What are the effects of Teen Pregnancy? Once upon a time, there was a baby who gave birth to a babyâ⬠¦Babies giving birth to babies? The teenage pregnancy rate is constantly increasing. In Louisiana alone there were 54 per thousand teen births as of 2006. In the U.S. 43 per thousand teen births took place in 2007. There are many risks for both the child and mother when giving birth to a child as a teenager. There are also ways to avoid pregnancy and other options when becoming pregnant as a teenager. In research, the Save the Children foundation found that approximately 30 million children are born to mothers under the age of 20. Not just in America but in more than 90% of the worlds developing countries. The birth rate in the U.S. is 53 per 1000 women (ages 15-19) as of 2009. In socioeconomic damage, teen pregnancies cost the United States over $7 billion annually. With adolescent pregnancy rates rising, costs are rising as well. The risks for teen pregnancies are numerous, for both mother and child. As a teen your bones are not fully developed, and you are not finished maturing body wise. To prevent some early risks teens should see their primary healthcare provider to reduce complications. Many moms put their selves at risk in fear or because of denial. In order to have a healthy pregnancy, the mother requires a healthy diet, prenatal care, exercise, and rest because as an adolescent the body is still maturing. The child is put at risk because as a teen mother, the baby is more likely to be premature along with a low birth weight which leads to problems in their later life. The problems range both mentally and physically. The child may also be born with birth defects. The teen mother is at great risk as well. The body is strained in order to birth the child. If the bones are not entirely developed the pelvic bone is injured as well as the spine with permanent damages. In psychological ways, when a teen becomes pregnant she may slip into a depression and she also is fear stricken because she feels she is too young to be pregnant. Sometimes they dont finish school because their pregnancy is too much to handle along with their education. If they do finish school they are alone. Stranded, people look at them strangely because they are young and pregnant. They are shunned from society in schools and public places; people use profanity against them and call them inappropriate names. The friends they once had dont hang around them anymore because they dont want to be caught with someone pregnant, or because their parents think it is inappropriate to have a pregnant friend and that the friend might influence them. In most high schools, students are taught sex education. However, in the state of Louisiana and several other states, schools are not required by law to provide sex education. If any of the school districts inside Louisiana would like to offer the course they must teach abstinence as well. They do not have to teach of HIV/AIDS, contraceptives, or any STDs at all. When sex education is taught it cannot be taught in grades first through sixth and it must be incorporated into another course curriculum. The options when dealing with teen pregnancy are not very broad. One option is adoption. There are many types of adoption such as agency adoption, independent adoptions, closed adoption, semi-open adoption, and open adoption, etc. When dealing with teens, most lean towards open or semi-open adoptions. In open adoptions, the parents get acquainted with the adopting parents. The parents are also allowed to be a part of the childs life as they mature. In semi-open adoption, the parents exchange information with the adopting parents and receive pictures, e-mails, updates, etc. about their child. In closed adoption, the parents never meet the adopting parents, and know very little about them. Another option for teen pregnancy is abortion, in which there are many types. One type of abortion can be done at eight weeks in which a tiny tube is inserted into the cervix and the body is vacuumed out. At twelve weeks suction aspiration abortion can be done, the mothers cervix is dilated and a kni fe like curette is stuck into the womb and vacuums out the body. Dilation and curettage is another type in which the baby is cut into pieces and the body is then scraped out. At eighteen weeks, the mother can have dilation and evacuation abortion. Dilation and evacuation is the use of forceps to break the baby into pieces and then scrape the inside of the womb. Saline injection is the injection of a salt solution into the amniotic sac. It slowly kills the child in approximately one hour and then the mother gives birth to a dead or dying child. In prostaglandin chemical abortion, a chemical is used to induce labor. The mother goes into labor but it is more violent and the child is usually killed or decapitated during the birth. In the last three months caesarean abortion is used. The womb is cut open and the umbilical chord is cut. The oxygen supply is cut off to the child and the child dies. As a last minute option, the teen may under go partial-birth abortion. Partial abortion is c ruel and painful for both mother and child. An ultrasound guides the abortionist. The abortionist grabs the babies legs with forceps, pulling the legs out into the birth canal; the whole body is delivered excluding the head and scissors are inserted to enlarge the skull, the babies brain is then sucked out and the dead baby is delivered. One final option for teen mothers is to raise the child, they may or may not be given the ability to finish school but their child is happy. The parents may be forced to get jobs to supply for their children. In some cases, the teens parents offer help to the teens and take care of the child as they finish school. Adult pregnancies are difficult but as teens the situation is extremely complex because the teen is still young and their bodies have not fully matured. The teen has responsibilities such as their education and social lives that are at stake because of their growing embryo. To avoid teen pregnancy they can try abstinence, and a plethora of contraception devices ranging from condoms, to birth control, to inter-uterary devices. Shunned from society and possibly their own families, teens are put under a truck load of stress. Conclusion Hopefully, this paper has taught you a lot about teenage pregnancy. This is 100% preventable with abstinence, 89.9% with protection, and 99.9% with birth control. The risks and social astigmatism are noted. With the exploration of psychological situations, the active sex rate is declining yet its still a problem. Bibliography Effects of Teenage Pregnancy. 2004: 16. Web. 12 Dec 2009. . Teen Mom. MTV Teen Mom. Web. 12 Dec 2009. . 16 and Pregnant. MTVs 16 and Pregnant. Web. 12 Dec 2009. . Abortion Methods. Life Site News. 2009. Life Site Mews, Web. 12 Dec 2009. .
Friday, October 25, 2019
Brain Disorders :: essays research papers
The brain, which weighs only three pounds and is made up of eighty percent water, is the key organ of our nervous system. It is divided into three different parts: the Cerebrum, the Cerebellum, and the Medulla Oblongata. The ââ¬Å"gray matterâ⬠of the brain is about one-eighth inch thick and it gives the brain its gray color. Inside the brain is the cortex, which is made up of billions of neurons. These neurons extend into the cerebral hemisphere and it controls all mental activity. In this report I will be discussing different disorders of the brain and how they affect the every day life of people who may have these disorders. (The Volume Library 900) à à à à à The first disorder that I will be discussing is a disease called Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (A.D.H.D.). This disease has not just been recently discovered. It was first discovered in the eighteen hundreds by a British physician where the first book about Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder was written, ââ¬Å"Fidgety Phil.â⬠Up until the 1960ââ¬â¢s it was called minimal brain function. Medication is not a new treatment either. In the 1930ââ¬â¢s a medication called Dexedrine (d-amphetamine) or Desoxyn (methamphetamine), now known as Ritalin, was used. (Wender, M.D. 15) à à à à à This disease is present in three to ten percent of school-aged children and four to five percent in adults. A.D.H.D. is more common in boys than in girls. To determine if a child has A.D.H.D., there are not set psychological or laboratory test but the testimonies of the people who are involved in the patientsââ¬â¢ everyday life. However there are certain criteria that can define and diagnose symptoms. In many cases medication can reduce and to an extent eliminate A.D.H.D. This is true in about seventy percent of school-aged children who have A.D.H.D. and in about sixty percent of adults who are on the medication. Another plus of the medication is that it is not addictive if it is not abused. To reduce the symptoms of A.D.H.D. in adults therapy may also be helpful. Although, the use of medication to treat A.D.H.D. can be very controversial. (Wender, M.D. 9) Some characteristics of school-aged children with A.D.H.D. are problems in school like math, reading, and spelling because twenty to thirty percent of children have learning disorders. The most common symptom is attention difficulties, distractibility, and hyperactivity. Not all patients of A.D.H.D are hyperactive, therefore a new diagnosis was identified: Attention Deficit Disorder (A.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
E-Commerce Infrastructure Essay
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Globalization has primarily made it possible for international trade and business connection between neighboring countries as a trend of the present society exist. Certainly, the aim of the human society to remain within the scope of economic progress and continue aiming for better results for the sake of profitable advancements in the society, the emergence of different types of businesses has been much possible to occur. Business enthusiasts became braver than they usually are in facing the challenges of establishing new wave business entities, which they believe, would bring change to the human society and how they view the modern living. à à à à à à à à à à à Hence, business organizations who are particularly trying to make it within the industry of the global trade must be able to realize that the idea of globalization is affecting the major companies worldwide. To be able to implement the changes needed by a certain organization with regards the implementation of the new progressive procedures towards a more technologically-coping organization; the company wanting the change needs to attend to several areas of consideration. As for this matter, it is first important to discuss several elemental factors that could actually affect a certain organizationââ¬â¢s capability of facing the changes that it ought to engage with within the global scene. à à à à à à à à à à à The growing developments that technology and communications have taken so far have been an essential part of the growing system of technological applications. Along with the technological advancements, the social living of humans also is further enhanced. Both economic and social lifestyles were advancing but there was no rest in incurring the best possible progress that the developers of technological systems wanted. With the introduction of computers to the society, the easier way of living and completing everyday tasks has become a trend for many industrial workers. (Deitel, et al, 2004, 15) à à à à à à à à à à à However, as mentioned earlier, the development in the eyes of the ones who are in charge of the enhancement of the operating systems is never ending. Hence, although there were already some great achievements in terms of the developed operating systems, things got better each time there are new innovations introduced (Warford, 2005, 41). Most of the sectors of the entire society actually depended on technology ever since the time it was first introduced to the human civilization. It could not be denied then that among the said sectors are business entities. à The internet and World Wide Web: E-commerce infrastructure Introduction à à à à à à à à à à à à The e-marketing system is practically an approach that is developed using the present technological advancement particularly in the information technology field. This strategy utilizes primarily the communication elements of the information technology such as through interactive advertising, search engine marketing, blog marketing, display advertising, viral marketing, web postings, and others to promote the products, services and image of the business organization towards the public. In analyzing the e-marketing strategy of an online organization, it is important to intricately study the primarily the website of the said organization and the marketing principles embedded on it. By looking into their main website, one can critically know the structure, goals, operational approach, and other relevant facts of the organization, which are relevant facts for the development of the personal perception and image of the business for the public awareness. This website offers vast informations about the organization from their ideal goals, organizational nature, and even their business conditions, which can be derived from their downloadable annual and social responsibility report. In addition, the e-marketing approach of this website not only caters to the sale nature but also to the information campaign and human capital sourcing of the organization as offered by their options of fact sheets, employment opportunity awareness, and other services. In general, this website primarily becomes an effective marketing tool for the organization. à à à à à à à à à à à The e-marketing approach of the different organizations range from various strategies such as through their main website which promotes display advertising of their products, interactive marketing where the consumers can contact the organization for significant sales and business concerns, search engine marketing which offer the service of easing the browsing activity of the viewing public. As such, the website becomes both a promotional approach and a business related interactive medium for the business organizations wherein the latter can relate further to the needs and concerns of their target consumers. With regards the issue being noted herein, the questions that could be considered are as follows: How important is e-marketing and online shopping when it comes to the convenience of the consumers today? How effective are the approaches of the current e-marketing systems to the people of the current society? Are there possible ways to further the comfort of the people being serviced through online shopping? BUSINESS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Everything starts with a vision. From a vision comes plans, and from plans come fulfillment of the vision. Vision and plans are the primary elements for starting any business. An entrepreneur must posses the vision and determination needed for an individual to become successful within the business industry; however, these elements are not solely the needed requirements. Vision and plans are the abstract elements that contribute to business proceedings hence empowering the entrepreneur to continue whatever it is that he has started. The other elements include capital, land [place of business headquarters] and the people force. à à à à à à à à à à à The elements that were mentioned primarily give essence to the business itself. The capital is more on the monetary resource needed to start the business. At times, this particular resource comes from a group of entrepreneurs who decide to work together for a certain organization, or on the other hand, it is sourced out from loaning or from the pocket of the entrepreneur himself. At some point, the capital actually determines the scale of the business. Land or the area intended for the business headquarters is depending on what type of business is planned to be established. If the business is supposed to cater to several clients, there should be a place intended for them that would be much convenient for business transactions. However, if the business is online [which is at trend right now] or other home based businesses, the area of business branch would not be much of a problem since the transactions are to be done at any convenient place possible. The people force also depends on the scale of business that is being established. à à à à à à à à à à à Whatever type of business is being established, it is necessary that the entrepreneurs see to it that the different sections of the business, especially that of the people force are well taken care of. The success of the business naturally depends on the ability of the entrepreneurs to balance the idealistic mission as well as the activities of the organization as a business entity. This as well includes the legalities of the organization and its close connection with the existing laws for business organizations. à à à à à à à à à à à It could be noted that opening or establishing a business organization is not that easy to deal with. The first months of operation towards the first year usually deals with the different challenges of effective strategies created to put the organization within the existing competition. Entering a certain business organization and trying to make it within the business industry is a great challenge to everyone wanting to create a considerable reputation in the society. However, once these particular challenges have been successfully met by the new entrepreneurs, the continuous progress of the said new established organization could be assured. This though does not mean that developments are already to stop once the business has been established. As for a fact, the establishment should simply mark the beginning of the progressive developments intended to help the whole organization remain within competition as long as it exists within the business industry. à à à à à à à à à à à From this particular section of the study, it could be observed that the primary reasons for establishing a business should not only be lead by the need or the want of the entrepreneurs in gaining profitable results form the business. It should be clear to the business entrepreneurs that the said operational act needs to receive ample time for planning and attention on the pros and cons of the situation. From this particular assessment of business opportunities, the possibility of creating a successful source of profit could be identified in a positive point of view. à à à à à à à à à à à It has been certainly stressed out that the different elements of business should be given careful attention within the planning procedures. Carefully giving the said elements ample time of observation shall give the entrepreneurs to make amends on the possible weak links that could cause the failure of the business in the future. Identifying the Marketing Approach to be Used Marketing is one particular branch of business that deals with all the promotional aspects of a certain business organization. At some point, this particular sector of the organization is perceived to have a certain group of experts attending to the said needs of the organization with regards promotion and advertising. Every kind of organization have their own marketing branch. This is specifically because of the fact that the incoming profit that the company expects from its clients is particularly empowered by the marketing strategies created by the marketing group. à à à à à à à à à à à Whatever it is that the Marketing group plans shall determine the organizationââ¬â¢s success in the industry. The ability of the said in-charged group in making amends for the organizationââ¬â¢s ability to make it within the industrial competition in the business world shall make it possible for the business to make a considerable reputation that could attract the clients who are being targeted by the said organization. This is particularly the reason why business organizations both large-scale and small-scale make it a point that the marketing procedures that they carry on for the sake of business progression is given careful attention and as well as an ample amount of investment. à à à à à à à à à à à Particularly, marketing is a business branch that sets the path for the organization as to how they are supposed to trod the journey of success in the industry that they are dealing with. The intensity of the procedures taken by marketing experts particularly pertains to the quality of the advertising procedures that the organization ought to take into consideration for actual operational purposes. It is in this particular sector of the organization that the fast release or distribution of the services or the products offered by the organization towards the clients could be determined. à à à à à à à à à à à Today, the level of competition that each business organization deals with in the human society is clearly identified by the progressive procedures taken by the marketing team of each business company. According to Website Marketing: ââ¬Å"Marketing is a broad topic that covers a range of aspects, including advertising, public relations, sales, and promotions. People often confuse sales with marketing, when in fact the two are very different. The former involves getting a product or service into the market, promoting it, influencing behavior, and encouraging sales. Sales are the actual transaction of getting a product or service into the hands of your customers.â⬠( The strategies of marketing that each organization adapts into is primarily defined by the financial capabilities of the said business entity t o provide the services need by the clients that pertain to promotional operations. The strong impact of the marketing strategies also usually brings about the thought that the main target of the promotional presentations is the group of people in the society who are assumed by the organization to be the primary clients of the organization. It is their interest that should be the focus of the promotional interpretations and presentations. The strategies are indeed strongly differed through the identification of the target consumers or clients of the organization. The Website Marketing also adds: ââ¬Å"Strategies in marketing have changed enormously since Jay Conrad Levinson introduced the guerrilla concept over 20 years ago. Tactics that were considered radical then are almost main stream now. With so many messages bombarding the consumer in the marketplace today, it is now more difficult than ever to get your product noticed, so marketers have learned to be creative.â⬠( Overall, marketing could then be noted as a source of established foundation for every business organization. The impact that it has on every established business group is a primary concern that brings about possible profitable sources to the different business organizations. Indeed, marketing and the operations that are made under this particular sector of the organization assure the whole business entity of the competitive standing of the entire organization within the business industries.à This is particularly the reason why it has been commented that: ââ¬Å"Companies without a marketing mindset are at a disadvantage in todayââ¬â¢s business world. Those who are still centered around their products, rather than their customers, are doomed to fail.â⬠The clients are the main target of marketing procedures, companies who are still starting and those who are already established who give lesser care in this aspect of business operations are indeed assured to have a hard time coping up with the existing competition within the industry. Getting through with all the RISKS à à à à à à à à à à à Planning the business and setting the marketing strategy to be used by the organization are simply the basic elements needed to create an organization that is intended to set sail in the journey towards global business engagements. TO be able to completely scale the capability of the organization to face the different challenges of dealing with the international market, it is necessary that the business entrepreneurs become aware of the impending issues needed to be dealt with during international business operations. à à à à à à à à à à à What are the risks being referred to herein? According to Fredrick Wilcox ââ¬Å"Progress always involves risk; you cannot steal second base and keep your foot on the first baseâ⬠. This primarily implies the fact that there are several elements of success in business, especially concerning international relations that could not be met unless the entrepreneur meets the risks that come along with the primary developments. à à à à à à à à à à à The elements of risks could be discussed as follows: Business Risks: Cost of Structure- The establishment of a certain business entity especially one that is made to face international transactions should and must be based on the financial capabilities of the owner. This particularly pertains to the available capital that is supposed to be the basis of how large or how small the scale of the business would be. It could be observed that through several organizationsââ¬â¢ ability of identifying the costs that may affect their operations in the new venture of business that they would want to engage with would naturally identify the possible progress that they are hoping to meet in the future. Competition- Being ready for the already existing companies within the country that goes with the same industry is necessary for an international entrepreneur to be prepared about. In the internet technology, it could not be denied that there are already companies who are able to meet the challenges that are needed to have the needed and expected success on the said business venture. It is indeed necessary that several business organizations face the said competition with ample reputation and business strength that would allow them to undergo the challenges of the new business venture that they aim to engage with. Product Liability- the procedures of getting through with the laws in placing the products within the boarders of the other country should be one of the primary concerns of business entrepreneurs. Human Resource Management- Since the business would involve international engagements; it is simply reasonable to expect that the employees would be coming form international races as well. Managing this type of human resource group should then be carefully given attention by the organizational authorities. Clients or Customers- The demographics of the consumers, their interests and their product preferences should be among the main concerns of the business organization. Their culture and their wants basing on their traditions should be carefully noted by entrepreneurs to ensure their products of the market appreciation that it needs to be able to remain in business. Environmental Risks Economic- The economic situation of the neighboring country where a branch or a trade engagement is prepared to be conducted should be set in balance with the economic status of the original branch of the business. The balance shall help the business operators to set some standard procedures in dealing with the finances of the organization. Weather- The weather that is currently controlling the activities of the civilians of a certain country should be carefully given attention. This shall also determine the activities that are supposed to be taken in consideration by the business organization. Legalities and the Government- this particular element should be closely given clear attention as it is among the most important factors as well as the most crucial one as it primarily determines if the organization is to remain in a certain country or not, based on the ability of the organization to become connected with the laws of the said neighboring country. Considering all these elements of risk and being able to understand on how each one affects the business engagements of a certain organization in an International picture shall then help the entrepreneurs create the possibilities and the probabilities of the organizationââ¬â¢s success in the multicultural market of consumers. The Internet Service Provisionââ¬â¢s Business ABCââ¬â¢s à à à à à à à à à à à The company that is to be observed at this point is the organization of Info Inc. which is a start up company wanting to venture in providing its major clients with internet based services that could be used as a source of informative materials in terms of accounting procedures, medical assistance and budget-wise programs that both business enthusiasts and the general public could use in their daily business and household needs and activities. As a company that is still starting in venturing within the said field, it is necessary for Info Inc to carry on the informations that were further discussed in this paper earlier. It could be noticed that the discussions point out the fact that establishing a new business operation for a certain existing business organization is indeed challenging especially when the business is supposed to handle a global market. à à à à à à à à à à à As the organization aims to venture in a new business operation that they have not been used to in engaging, it is much beneficial to take notice of the fact that the organization needs to take into consideration several factors that would involve the adjustments of the whole body of employee of the said company. The shifting of the priority and the opening of the new arena of service that the company would provide its clients should then be identified as a primary factor that should be carried in constant addressing during the whole procedure of adjusting the organizationââ¬â¢s focus. First to consider then is the type of internet servicing that the company should be involved into. This shall be discussed within the paragraphs that follow. Choosing the Type of Service à à à à à To be able to reach the widest scope of market, Info Inc should invest in creating internet networked branches from different areas of the world. The company may not be required in creating an actual physical branch in the different parts of the world, but it is required to subscribe at a certain internet website host such as Google or yahoo, that would make their company much more accessible by the target market that they ought to serve. Choosing the right type of server or website support is very important. This is the reason why ample research on this matter should be carefully considered by the ones who are to establish the companyââ¬â¢s website. The scope of the network should also be closely attended to as this would indicate the expected scope of audience or market that the company could reach out to. As mentioned earlier, marketing is an important way of regenerating a prospect market to get involved within a certain business company; however, lacking the needed access to reach the said clients may make this particular procedure of business operation impossible. Hence, being able to scale on which type of website support could give the best services to the company basing from its mission in connection with the market that it targets is very important to take into consideration. By doing so, the creators of the said business service-provision branch does not only introduces the company to a wider scope of market, but it also gives it a chance in gaining the peak rate of revenue that it could reach in an annual calculation. Creating the Website à à à à à Since the organization aims to attract business enthusiasts and household members, the presentation of the website should cater to what they are actually interested in. This is where the art of marketing begins o enter the scene. Moat likely, it could be observed that the more attractive and interesting the website looks like, the more it is being viewed by Internet surfers. This is [particularly the reason why the website of the company should highlight the strength of the company and the idealisms that it has that may attract the concerns of the market. Constant attendance to what the target market wants to know about the company and about their services shall help the creators and programmers of the website have an idea on what they should actually set as features to the said website. à à à à à It must also occur among the creators that the insistence of the websiteââ¬â¢s becoming a user-friendly system is an important part of the feature of the said internet address. This would certainly allow the users, whether they are computer literate or not to have an easy access on what is actually being offered by the organization through their online network. Counting the Benefits à à à à à Having a companyââ¬â¢s own website in the internet is like having a legitimate virtual address that would cater to mostly different people from around the world. As globalization opens its doorways to major new waves of business engagements, it could be observed that there are different benefits that the Internet operations bring the different business organizations that use the services provided by the said virtual community. Most of the companyââ¬â¢s which do not even have physical establishments are already known because o their internet-based operations. This fact shall help Info Inc in realizing the fact that opening their doors to a more liberated procedure of operating within the business transactions that they want to offer their clients is an important part of their companyââ¬â¢s growth as a major business entity. Counting the Costs à à à à à To be able to understand the plan further, it is important to lay the finances and budgeting procedures needed to support that project that is being proposed for Info Inc to take into consideration. What are the particular elements of financing that needs to be considered? Creating the Website à à à à à There is a need to hire an expert to at least program the website. The fact that there are different features of presentations that are planned to be embedded within the presentation of the website primarily to attract the clients, there needs to be the existence of professional help for this matter. This then requires a minimal yet reasonable payment for labor. Funding the Website à à à à à Usually, the fees for website maintenance are paid annually. The company should then prepare itself in facing responsibilities such as this. Advertising through Search Engines à à à à à The more exposure the site gets, the more surfers it could invite. From this particular fact, it could be noted that funding the siteââ¬â¢s fees is indeed worthwhile, as that particular fee shall allow the link to the website to appear several times with the utilization of several key words encoded by the internet surfers when they are seeking the help of major search engines in the internet. Training the Operators of the Web à à à à à There should always be a standing support specialist that is ready to assist customers in their issues about the services offered by the company. Once the company ventures to this particular type of business operation, it should then occur to them that the importance of placing expert support technicians as well as product or service specialists should constantly be available incase interested client needs assistance. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à If the values of the cost-causing elements mentioned herein shall be examined, it could be observed that the fees are all reasonable enough of paying on the part of the companyââ¬â¢s financing group. Most likely, this is because of the much reasonable returns that the said fees are expected to return to the entire companyââ¬â¢s business system. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Handling such responsibilities in a much more positive outlook shall indeed help the administration of the organization realize of their importance as major player within the worldwide economy. The operations that they are expected to handle through inline communications shall not only increase their capabilities of handling challenges but could also help them grow as a business entity that is able to face the challenges of the globalization era. CLIENTS AND ONLINE CONSUMERISM Online consumerism is one of todayââ¬â¢s major innovative leaps in terms of commercialism. The use of the Internet as a major medium for trading and monetary transactions has been among the major advancements of technology and real life in the human society. Each business organization relies on their respective aspects to promote their services and products in the market. Each marketing aspect range from various strategies and approaches to entice, promote and imply an ideal nature of their products and services to the consuming public to generate a business transaction between the two parties. Each business transaction in turn will generate the desire income by the organization, which is relevant for their operation development and profit generation. As such, each organization must create an effective and efficient marketing tool towards their target public, which will address the important communication and business elements in their economic transaction. à à à à à à à à à à à The most effective marketing approaches in the present are the strategies that address the key communication elements of the public. These strategies manifests to be reliable marketing medium that inform, relates and considers the consuming public to be significant part of the organizational structure and their subsequent operations. On the practical sense, these strategies are characterized to be publicly open for the society wherein they are easily and readily accessible for the interesting consumers. In part, these marketing strategies not only cater to the marketing nature but also to the other relevant part of the organizational structure such as human resources, customer service and public relations. On this field of effective marketing approaches, the e-marketing system manifests to be both an effective and efficient strategy for contemporary business organization. à à à à à à à à à à à From the analysis of the e-marketing strategies, it is strongly concluded that marketing and promotional activities utilizing the advancement of the field of information technology is an effective approach for contemporary business organization. Through the use of this significant medium, organization can promote further their products and services and developing their ideal business nature in the social aspect which in turn, has a significant impact upon the organizationââ¬â¢s success. Indeed, marketing using online or internet technology relates further the business organization to the global audience for more effective and efficient business operation for the economic success of the organization. à à à à à à à à à à à Although the past have already placed a strong impact on how the people viewed business operations done through the Internet, several business enthusiasts never ceased finding ways by which they would be able to attain success within the said industry. Many among the business owners around the world still believe in the benefits that investing in online business ventures would naturally bring their organizations. As for a fact, the said situation is quickly becoming a trend both among organizations that are already established and the business and even those business entities that are just starting to join the said competitive industry. Most of the benefits that the said system of business transacting has mainly attracted investors as well as stockholders in making a great decision of joining in the process of industrial change though the innovative integration of technology within the system. à à à à à à à à à à à To understand this claim further, a diagrammatic presentation shall be shown herein: à Diagram 1: Efects of Information Technology in the relationship between clients and business organizations Diagram Analysis: à à à à à à à à à à à From the presentation made above, it could be observed that the reason behind the business entities joining the band wagon of taking advantage of the provisions of science and technology in the modern society is indeed worthwhile. As it could be seen, the five major effects that have been presented through the diagram actually directly affect the growth rate of the organizations in a modern society. This is indeed an attractive provision that IT could ever offer business entities. à Chapter 5:DISCUSSION à à à à à à à à à à à Today many people once bewildered by the stock market are investing in stocks. Why? For one thing, the Internet has enabled investors to access in momentââ¬â¢s financial news, investment advice, and stockbrokers. Paul Farrell, editor in chief of Wall Street News, writes: ââ¬Å"For [individual investors], cyberspace investing is the new frontier, the new gold rush, the freedom to be yourself, with the opportunity to become financially independent while working at home.â⬠Along with the blooming of the Internet systems, commerce also took the chance to be a part of a very promising source of profit for many business firms. To do this, there existed a birth to the business arena. Many people who would rather invest on a business than to be employed in a company took chances on investing in this kind of business. But as years passed, the hoped to be ââ¬Å"tigerâ⬠market that would hit sky high revenues for the firms taking part on it fell apart. How is this possible? And how could this kind of market have been saved? The following paragraphs shall discuss the said topic further. à à à à à à à à à à à During the earlier times of the introduction of Internet, it was seen that this kind of communication could enable many people to connect to each other from far places in the world. The said idea on worldwide interconnection gave many businessmen the thought that using the worldwide web would help their companies and other business firms to reach their potential revenues and income at a very minimal time or better yet, even double or triple the income they have expected. à à à à à à à à à à à With this, the business arena was given birth. It is more likely that the investors who invested in this kind of economic environment were the ones who realized that new business models would soon arise based on the possibilities of Internet commerce or more popularly known as E-commerce. As a result of wanting to be the first ones to gain profit from the said provisions of this new technology, they risked thousands of dollars to invest in the said Internet market. à à à à à à à à à à à The first years of the operation of the market paved way to many sellers of products and services to be connected to many consumers worldwide. Obviously though, among the three major gainers of profit in this kind of market are several internet-help companies. The said technology groups are the Internet and Network Infrastructure which hosts the construction of official websites posted through the net, the Internet Tools such as Netsacape which assists on the navigation process in the Internet, and the Internet-direct consumer websites such as Yahoo! which allows numerous ads to be posted through their website. à à à à à à à à à à à Between the years 1998-1999, the interest rates on putting up e-commerce firms were way affordable for many investors. This is the reason why many inexperienced businessmen chose to loin this market as a beginning of joining the business industry. Although many of the said investors had concrete and realistic plans regarding a business, most of them lacked administrative abilities. On the other hand, inviting investors to join the Internet market had been easier through the use of offering great promises and benefits that the web hosts post to attract the prospect businessmen (Warford, 2005, 45). True, this way of luring investors worked pretty well. As proved by the many growing e-commerce members during the years 1998-1999, the industry continued to flourish. To recognize the best Internet websites that are present in the e-commerce industry, there had been an annual awarding of the top websites of the year. It started on the year 1995, which was characterized by extravagant programs and undeniably expensive presentations. It was annually held in San Francisco California near the heart of the Silicon Valley. The said event has peaked during the year 2001 when thousands of attendance joined the lucrative awarding. When the year 2003 came in, the celebration became somber due to lower attendance not to mention that some of the nominees are not able to attend the event because of company belt-tightening and the fear of loosing their jobs. This is more likely because of the high interest rates that the Internet web hosts are already putting on the investors to continuously operate in the system (Silberschatz, 2004, 15). This event showed that the industry is not as productive as it was before anymore. As a fact, many of its members already lost on the investments they preempted to be bringing them great profits. Chapter 6: Conclusion and Summary Entering the arena of international business venture is indeed not an easy task for business entrepreneurs. However, because of the main focus of globalization in empowering dreamers of the said industry helps much in assisting entrepreneurs in seeing the possibilities of enlarging the scope of their territories of profitable areas through stretching their business activities towards the other countries around the globe. à à à à à à à à à à à It could not be denied though that the procedure of international business looks much inviting, it should not be forgotten that the risks are highly challenging, hence encouraging the entrepreneurs to apply clear control of the situation through applying the needed skills to face the challenges of the international business transactions. Expanding the business in this procedure is indeed promising; however, careful consideration on the elements of risk should be given clear attention by the hopeful business entrepreneurs. à à à à à à à à à à à From the discussion and the presentations made in this paper, it could be observed that there is indeed a need for business entities to take the risks in making it within the industry of virtual business. Making their business services and products available through the Internet for the sake of advertising or even selling as it is would surely offer the organizations a progressive future in the fields that they are joined with. Certainly, the innovations brought about by information technology actually radically changed the economic trade of the entire global state of business industries. This is the reason why a particular entrepreneur trying to make the business scene in the current era of globalization needs to know the basic of computer applications and internet system operations for their business organization. à à à à à à à à à à à Certainly, because of the more improved system of consumerism featured through online business operations, click businesses become highly effective in affecting the human society today. It could still not be denied though that there are still some satisfactions that brick or physically established systems of business today give its consumers. Through this conclusion, it should be understood that both brick and click businesses should exist in balance to allow consumer satisfaction all over the world in accordance with the different elements contributing to modern globalization. References: Internet Sources: BBC News. (2000). to Dot.bomb. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à (May 31, 2008) Bock, Wally. (2001). From Dot-Com to Dot-Bomb. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à (May 31, 2008). Msdn. Microsoft Corporation. (2007). Technology Overview. (May 31, 2008). Nut, Gary. (2004). Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Third Edition. (May 31, 2008). Website Marketing. (2001). Importance of Marketing. (May 31, 2008) Books: Brown, Stephen (1993), ââ¬Å¾Postmodern Marketing?ââ¬Å", European Journal of Marketing Vol. 27 No. 4, pp. 19-34 Brown, Stephen (1998), ââ¬Å¾Post-Modern Marketing 2 ââ¬â Telling Talesââ¬Å", Thomson Business Press. Deitel, Harvey M.; Deitel, Paul; Choffnes, David (2004). Operating Systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-182827-4. Ensor, Jim . (2006). Future Net: The Essential Guide to Internet and Technology Megatrends. Trafford Publishing; 1st edition. ISBN-10: 1553957245. Folsom, Ralph H. . (2005). Principles of International Business Transactions (The Concise Hornbook Series). West Publishing. Fitzgerald, Peter L. . (2005). International Business Transactions: A Problem-oriented Coursebook. West Publishing. Harris, J. Archer. (2001).à à Schaumââ¬â¢s Outline of Operating Systems. McGraw-Hill; 1 edition. ISBN-10: 0071364358. Hanson, Ward & Kalyanam, Kirthi (2006). Internet Marketing and e-Commerce. South-Western College Publication. 1st Edition. ISBN-10: 0324074778. Rajagopal, Raj . (1999). Multi-Operating System Networking: Living with UNIX, NetWare, and NT. AUERBACH; 1 edition. ISBN-10: 0849398312. Silberschatz, Abraham . (2004). Operating System Concepts. John Wiley & Sons; 7 edition. ISBN-10: 0471694665. Strauss, Judy & El-Ansary, Adel & Frost, Raymond (2005). E-Marketing.à Prentice Hall Publication. 4th Edition. ISBN-10: 0131485199. Tanenbaum, Andrew S.; Woodhull, Albert S. (2006). Operating Systems. Design and Implementation. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-142938-8. Warford, J. Stanley. (2005).à à Computer Systems. Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 3rd edition. ISBN-10: 0763732397. Ã
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Brave New World
Utopia means the idyllic state as first used by sir Thomas Moore as the title of his book in 1516 (Brave New Worldââ¬â¢s Barronââ¬â¢s Notes by Anthony Astrachan).The Utopia achieved by the world-state in Aldous Huxleyââ¬â¢s A Brave New World had a terribly High price. A price which, I think is not worth it. Their citizens live in as oblivious and ignorant kind of bliss in world that is free of war, fear, violence, disease and all the other draw-backs of living in the real world (Sybille Bedford, Aldous Huxley: A Biography, 1974, cited in Brave New Worldââ¬â¢s Barronââ¬â¢s Notes by Anthony Astrachan).The characters from Utopia in the novel do not even know freedom. They are happy and contented in their respective occupations and are satiated by spending their free time wallowing in pleasure even though they are all alike in each class and behave in much the same way as each other save for a few idiosyncrasies Uniformity is stressed and individuality becomes like a sickn ess and all characters who had even a minor difference from other citizens in the same class were cruelly crushed into either conformity or the final escape of death in Johnââ¬â¢s case.However, if the price of such comforts would be the ignorance of the existence of freedom, an idea that many countless people have died fighting for in the real world, I think Utopia is not worth it.A. Huxley did very well in highlighting this point. Johnââ¬â¢s suicide after seeing that his beloved joined the mob to watch him suffer is a great point at rejecting the idea of Utopia in the book.Even when John found a place where he could live with all the things that he thought were necessary, including pain, he was followed by a huge crowd which had come to watch him suffer. Seeing Lenina come to watch him whip himself causes him to kill himself.In the novel, Huxley plays with the idea of how technological advances would affect society. In Utopia, humans are grown in bottles. No one has a mother. Multiple copies of a single person can be made in one go. This is a very extreme way to highlight the authorââ¬â¢s point, completely removing the ââ¬Å"humanityâ⬠from humanity to the point that even the genuine personal bond of parent and child is removed.The achievement of stability is attained by keeping everybody in an artificial state of perpetual happiness and contentment.à Pain and grief is removed from the realm of human emotion thereby removing all the deep feelings we associate with the feeling of being genuinely ââ¬Å"aliveâ⬠.Citizens in Utopia are encouraged to be promiscuous. Anybody can have sex with anybody they want and vice versa. Family life and the formation of intense personal relationship are obliterated so that these cannot interfere with the stability of society. Love is non-existent. Anybody whoââ¬â¢d date or have sex with a single person for an extended period is looked on as weird.I think that the author was successful at highlighting his point. His characters were only secondary to the ideas that he proposed especially considering the time and context when he propounded them. He makes me feel as if the novelââ¬â¢s version of Utopia is not far from becoming a truth. Todayââ¬â¢s culture promotes the culture of almost mindless consumption, too much indulgence in pleasure and diminishing of the family.Technology is a result of human endeavor. It allows us to live in a better world with all of our modern necessities and comforts. In this book however, a different view is illustrated. While it acknowledges the former to be true, it declares resoundingly that the opposite is possible also. Technology also has the potential to wipe out the essence of humanity. It can wipe out genuine happiness, individuality, close personal relationships, deep emotions and family.ReferencesBLTC, Brave New World? A Defence of Paradise-Engineering, Retrieved on April 13, 2008, from, Brave New Wor ldââ¬â¢s Barronââ¬â¢s Notes by Anthony Astrachan, Retrieved on April 13, 2008, from, Braveââ¬â¢s New Worldââ¬â¢s Monarch Notes, Retrieved on April 13, 2008 from Ã
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Quit Your Job Professionally
How to Quit Your Job Professionally Youââ¬â¢ve made plenty of mistakes; we all have. If you think about your entire career, the list can get pretty long. But thereââ¬â¢s always the threat of making bigger mistakes, especially the kind you make by playing it just a little bit too safe. Are you feeling stuck in your job? Unsatisfied? Like the career youââ¬â¢ve always dreamed of keeps slipping further and further away? Convincing yourself to stay because itââ¬â¢s the path of least resistance can be the final nail in the coffin of your fulfillment.If youââ¬â¢re brave enough to take the leap and have decided to quit your job, remember these three things:Stretch OutIf youââ¬â¢re ready to make big, scary changes, youââ¬â¢re ready to be more flexible. In fact, you might have to be. Open yourself up to new positions and industries outside your comfort zone. Take a chance on yourself in the interests of your future.Pay it ForwardIf thereââ¬â¢s something you donââ¬â¢t know how to do, something thatâ⬠â¢s holding you back, take steps. Invest in yourself and in new skills that can take your career to the next level. A little passion and personal development now can pay off in the long run.Keep ConnectedYour current and past coworkers are the bottom of the pyramid. Maintain your relationships, build lasting connections, and never miss an opportunity to grow your network. Youââ¬â¢ll never know when you will need it. The better you engage with your colleagues now, the better youââ¬â¢ll be equipped to engage with the people you meet in your next position.The bottom line is this: start behaving as though you already have your dream career, and itââ¬â¢ll be that much easier to step into it when you do find it.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on The First Native Americans
The First Americans Throughout time our ancestors have always been the race that we have descended from. To this day scientists and philosophers still donââ¬â¢t grasp the true revelation, of who owns the past. The controversies of the Kennewick man very well define some of our many questions about the actual origin of the 9300 year old skeleton. The remains are an ongoing battle with the American anthropologists and the NAGPRA. And archeologists may never know the biological evidence of linkage between us and the Kennewick man. The origin of the human remains is still not known to this day, although archeologists believe to be of a Caucasoid descent. Originally the Kennewick man was thought to be a fur ââ¬âtrader or pioneer. Obtained though a CAT scan and was thought to be dated from 9000 to 4500 years ago. The NAGPRA claims that these remains are from a Paleo-Indian tribe and believes that they should preserve and keep the remains. The only problem with this claim is that this tribe is a fairly new tribe and with radiocarbon dating the facts just donââ¬â¢t match. Controversy surrounds the whole situation of the Kennewick man, the remains, the origin, and the possessions is all being fought over. Since this skeleton was found on land that the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. The Committee also believes that the remains are closely related or are one of a Paleo-Indian Tribe. For many archaeologist the find of these remains are huge, mainly because a huge portion of the skeleton was found. This piece could very well tell us the many things we still have to learn about our early ancestors. Native Americans believe that there is a close ancestral relationship between the Kennewick man and a modern tribe. The tribe has been around for many years, but not more that 4500 years ago. The radio carbon dating on the fossil dated back to about 9300 years ago this would throw this theory in the water. T... Free Essays on The First Native Americans Free Essays on The First Native Americans The First Americans Throughout time our ancestors have always been the race that we have descended from. To this day scientists and philosophers still donââ¬â¢t grasp the true revelation, of who owns the past. The controversies of the Kennewick man very well define some of our many questions about the actual origin of the 9300 year old skeleton. The remains are an ongoing battle with the American anthropologists and the NAGPRA. And archeologists may never know the biological evidence of linkage between us and the Kennewick man. The origin of the human remains is still not known to this day, although archeologists believe to be of a Caucasoid descent. Originally the Kennewick man was thought to be a fur ââ¬âtrader or pioneer. Obtained though a CAT scan and was thought to be dated from 9000 to 4500 years ago. The NAGPRA claims that these remains are from a Paleo-Indian tribe and believes that they should preserve and keep the remains. The only problem with this claim is that this tribe is a fairly new tribe and with radiocarbon dating the facts just donââ¬â¢t match. Controversy surrounds the whole situation of the Kennewick man, the remains, the origin, and the possessions is all being fought over. Since this skeleton was found on land that the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. The Committee also believes that the remains are closely related or are one of a Paleo-Indian Tribe. For many archaeologist the find of these remains are huge, mainly because a huge portion of the skeleton was found. This piece could very well tell us the many things we still have to learn about our early ancestors. Native Americans believe that there is a close ancestral relationship between the Kennewick man and a modern tribe. The tribe has been around for many years, but not more that 4500 years ago. The radio carbon dating on the fossil dated back to about 9300 years ago this would throw this theory in the water. T...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Business Practices of Woolworths and Wesfarmers
The Australian retail industry is dominated by big game players. There is no chance of a small retail brand to ever grow and prosper in the retail market of Australia. The big brands dominate the entire market with their ââ¬ËHouse products', the products labeled under their brand and exclusively available in their stores only (Gas price regulation for a retail market administrator 2004). The Australian retail market constitutes liquor sales, tobacco, and grocery retail. The big players dominate 60 per cent of the Retail trade, 50 percent of the tobacco trade and 80 per cent of Liquor and vintage alcohol sales. The promotion of their in-house products can be devastating for generic brands. The supermarket brands downgrade and run campaigns against generic brands. The supermarket brands have a huge impact on the flow of liquid cash from the hands of the wealthy to the poor segments. The supermarket brands have also been associated with the tag of highest growing grocery prices in th e entire world. The first brand that we have selected for this study and discussion is Woolworths and Wesfarmers. The brand has been dominating the retail trade since its inception. The Coles supermarket brand is owned by Woolworths and Wesfarmers. The Coles has the largest number of grocery retail outlets in entire Australia (Sinapuelas and Robinson 2008). This brand is a common name that we come across each and every day, but we do not pause to think and ponder about the downfall of the economy that this company and its counterparts have brought to our nation. This segment of the industry is dominated by the cash rich and big names who have been major players since their inception. The companies like Coles offer high degrees of resistance to small details and their products by motivating the customers to buy only their products. The second company we have selected for our discussion regarding its ethical pursuance of business is Metcash (AÃâ¦Ã ¾man and GomiÃ
¡Ãâà ek 2012). Metcash is a company which operates in the distribution and whole selling of grocery and retail. Besides, Metcash operates in the Automotive and luxury car servicing segment. The company has invested time and effort in agreeing to the policy of good packing and has been playing a key role in up keeping the deals made at the Australian Packaging Covenant signatory. The company has made an excellent reputation in the way they package their product. The company has been an outstanding player in upgrading themselves and their way of packaging to a level of utmost importance. The importance they give for their packaging of the product plays a key role for the customer at the final moment of the choice of buying is made. The company has been involved in many overseas trade agreements with many third world nations (Supply chain technologies Ãâââ¬â at Woolworths 2003). The commitments have been made regarding direct cooperation to technical knowledge transfer and consultation. The involvements in Bangladesh and Vietnam for direct purchase of their country made cotton and other products. The Uzbek Cotton commitment is one such agreement, the company ahs signed for a direct role in involvement and cooperation. Apart from this; the company has earned the ranking of 67.4 % from the Greenweek rankings. The score is an overall reflection of the environmental commitments and implementation that the company has been engaged in. The Woolworths and Wesfarmers have the largest number of poker machines in Australia. The company earns huge revenue from the sale of chips and gambling (Prospectus for the 1 for 8 Entitlement Offer of approximately 89 million New Wesfarmers Ordinary Shares at an Offer Price of $29.00 per New Wesfarmers Ordinary Share to raise approximately $2.57 billion 2008). The company has been accused many times of robbing the money of its countries' citizens by luring them to earn some money. The customers have complained that they always fail to win money. The company has earned a lot from the sale of poker chips country full. It's time the company makes some effort to stop robbing the people of their hard earned money by stopping these poker centers, and allowing only visitors of other nations to engage in this gambling activity.à The Australian legislature can also make some notable changes to stop this trade of poker and gambling. The Nepal government has restrictions in place which bars its countrymen and women from the casinos spread all over the city. The locals are allowed only on the New Years Eve, Christmas and other special days (Prus 2004). The casinos in Nepal are major revenue generators but only at the expense of foreigners. The Australian legislature may take heed of the matter. The company has been criticized by industry experts and public forums for misleading the customers on many matters.à The act of negatively influencing the customers has a significant disadvantage for the company and its brand perception. The company often urges the customers in their supermarkets to buy their particular products. This act affects the companies offering generic products or own products a significant loss of revenue and client base. The company has also been fined regarding the above matter. The company we must say has not yet learned to form its mistakes, and continue to embark on its current trend of misleading the consumers. The Coles have been criticized and fined huge amounts by the competent authorities for misconduct and bad behavior towards its customers. The company has had a reputation of mistreating its employees and customers on the premises and various grounds. There have been police investigations on many matters. The company has also been charged with a fine for anticompetitive product and conduct. There might be individual rivalries among many business groups, but the company has been fined for negative conduct. The company earns huge revenue from the direct sale of tobacco and alcohol. The company owned and operated about two-thirds of the total alcohol sales (Paynter and Edwards 2009). The negative health impact the company creates by promoting its alcohol sales and tobacco usage is very harmful to the overall growth and health of the society. This brand has also been getting awards consistently on its good packaging practices. The quality of the packaging has been lauded to be pretty good. The company is also a principal signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant (Ahmed 2009). That marks the company to strictly adhering to its good packaging practices. The company signed the deal promising to supply packaging which is healthy for the customerââ¬â¢s yet environmental friendly when disposed of as garbage.à The company promotes the use of GE-free products in its retail lineup. The company has been using the GE free products before any company in the entire industry. The company believes in the goodness of the GE free products in edible items. The company bagged the Packaging Award of 2015 for the healthiest and safest packaging in all of their products. The company policy of Genetically Modified crops or products is quite satisfactory (Clow and Baack 2004). The companiesââ¬â¢ commitment to the cause of the environment is also well known. The company must embark on a strategy of sustainable progress and development. The company cannot succeed in the long term without implementing the policies of the sustainable business. The aspects of the business which make the industry comment on the negative aspects of Metcashââ¬â¢s business practices are related to gaming. The causes of significant revenue for the company apparently come from the gambling industry. The company relies heavily on its gambling trade for its generation of major revenue annually. The trade is a major hit among the countries citizens. But the trade heavily drains out money from the pockets of the poor and middle class. The company owned and operated major casinos all over Australia. The citizens must not only be discouraged from gambling, but these broad casinos must be closed urgently (Revenue 2005). The downfall of the economy can be attributed by some to gambling and massive spending. The company also accounts for almost major tobacco trade. The company has been tremendously criticized for its direct involvement in tobacco and alcohol promotion. The company portrays the image of alcoholism and gambling along with smoking tobacco as a positive aspect of this culture, except that in reality it's not. The company is involved in the grocery. The company sources its palm oil from unreliable and uncertified sources. The palm oil cultivations in Indonesia and Java, Sumatra are done by burning forest tracts and cultivating on them. The lungs of South Asia, which are the tropical rainforests of these countries suck out significant carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses (Jope 2012). The clearing of these forests for the cultivation of palm trees is harmful to the environment. Moreover, where palm trees are planted, the soil is rendered ineffective for any advancement in future times. The company must stop these unsustainable business practices at the earliest or must face destruction (Saharjo et al. 2006). The company cannot survive with all these negative criticism in the long run. The company must embark on the strategies of free trade and must promote competitive behavior among its contemporaries. It is high time, the company is made to realize this, and amend on its mistakes or it may suffer massive losses regarding the brand value and public perception. Ahmed, A. (2009). Good manufacturing practices.à ISBT Science Series, 4(1), pp.6-10. AÃâ¦Ã ¾man, S. and GomiÃ
¡Ãâà ek, B. (2012). Asymmetric and Nonlinear Impact of Attribute-Level Performance on Overall Customer Satisfaction in the Context of Car Servicing of Four European Automotive Brands in Slovenia.à Organizacija, 45(2). Clow, K. and Baack, D. (2004).à Integrated advertising, promotion & marketing communications. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Gas price regulation for a retail market administrator. (2004). Adelaide: Essential Services Commission of South Australia. Jope, J. (2012). Special Edition: International Palm Oil Sustainability Conference 2012 Abstracts.à Palm Scent, 3(6), pp.51-74. Paynter, J. and Edwards, R. (2009). The impact of tobacco promotion at the point of sale: A systematic review.à Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 11(1), pp.25-35. Prospectus for the 1 for 8 Entitlement Offer of approximately 89 million New Wesfarmers Ordinary Shares at an Offer Price of $29.00 per New Wesfarmers Ordinary Share to raise approximately $2.57 billion. (2008). Perth, W.A.: Wesfarmers. Prus, R. (2004). Gambling as activity: Subcultural life-worlds, personal intrigues and persistent involvements 1.à Journal of Gambling Issues, 10. Revenue. (2005). Kuala Lumpur: Lembaga Piawaian Perakaunan Malaysia. Saharjo, B., Sudo, S., Yonemura, S. and Tsuruta, H. (2006). Greenhouse gasses produced during burning in the land preparation area using fire in peat area belong to the community.à Forest Ecology and Management, 234, p.S247. Sinapuelas, I. and Robinson, W. (2008). Entry for supermarket feature me-too brands: An empirical explanation of incidence and timing.à Marketing Letters, 20(2), pp.183-196. Supply chain technologies Ãâââ¬â at Woolworths. (2003).à Work Study, 52(1).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Four Types of Experimental Designs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Four Types of Experimental Designs - Essay Example This report examines four fairly common research methodologies: survey research, case study research, ethnography, and mixed design. The pros and cons of each design are assessed, and examples are given. A survey or questionnaire is considered to be a relatively accessible, flexible research option. Generally, flexible designs offer benefits to research that is willing to change as new variables come up throughout the process, whereas fixed or quantitative designs such as will be mentioned later, offer benefits to research that is about stabilizing and controlling a certain state of variables or predictions. The quantitative or qualitative survey method is a popular choice among researchers. This methodology differs from explicit ethnography in that it is more rationalized and quantitative in nature, and primarily seeks to answer research questions through the proposition that scientific research cannot be proposed without substantive or grounded data to back it up. This makes the us e of statistical information very popular with other type theorists, but getting statistics on the future is difficult, and therefore this is another appropriate reason for the research subject to be covered in a quantitative survey manner, rather than grounded theory or ethnographic methods. When researchers use a survey, they often wind up finding out new research questions and directions, while measuring the opinions and attitudes of subjects. At the same time, they can present their data in a scientific way, through the use of ANOVA, SPSS software, and other methods.
Freedom of Speech and Internet Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Freedom of Speech and Internet Privacy - Essay Example Given that each human being has a democratic right to free speech, Internet Privacy is an important consideration. This becomes especially important since cyberspace is an area that one does not have tangible control of, and one cannot ascertain whether s/he is being spied on. However, in view of the terror threats in this day and age, intelligence agencies have been given considerable authority to invade various areas of cyberspace. Therefore, though people may have the right to free speech, and rights to Internet Privacy, there is a border that needs to be defined. While Internet Privacy refers to one's personal information being transferred, stored or exchanged to carryout business or personal activities, and are not meant for disclosing to the public, Freedom of speech is one's right to speak out publicly, but responsibly. People tend to forget what freedom of speech is; they sometimes mistake it for speaking out irresponsibly. It is important for one to take his or her right to free speech seriously and responsibly in order to use it for what it is worth. In today's world, one needs to give this right more consideration. This is because there are many people who fear terrorist attacks; if they just get a hint of hate speech that another person might utter as an expression of frustration, they could inform concerned authorities. On the Internet, there are many people who express their views on open forums as well as in private ones. Community groups like, Msn My space, Facebook, etc. are ones where different kinds of people converge to vent their dismay at many conditions, such as the war in Iraq, and other severe issues. Most individuals are harmless and only express their views. However, intelligence agencies take these threats seriously and try to trace them out (Markoff, 2006). This is where many Internet users get offended, and feel their right to free speech is being smothered or interfered with. Debate over the extent that intelligence agencies go through to obtain information from different forums is ongoing. This is expected to continue for a longer period with the prevailing global political and military conditions. Privacy with Online Activity: It is obvious that privacy needs to be protected as much as possible, as one's civil liberties should not be disrupted. If one's privacy is not protected in the manner it should be, there can be no guarantee about anything online. It would also mean that privacy and security is only limited to the physical space that people live in and cannot be extended to cyber space. Cyberspace needs to be treated as an extension of the very space we live and trade within (Speed & Ellis, 2001, 238-240). The differences between existence in one's physical space and cyber space have been disputed for a while; many are skeptical about the extent of control that authorities have in cyber space, as they feel that their privacy is being undermined. This is legitimate to a great extent because of the fact that there is control over programs that are not visible and sometimes not even detectible (Speed & Ellis, 2001, 238-240). However, when one makes vital transfers of information, signing them digitally enables a receiver of such information at another point to have confidence in what a user has sent. The receiver automatically
COURSE WORK- CANCER RESERCH Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
COURSE WORK- CANCER RESERCH - Assignment Example Previously mentioned, the planned objective is to earn high profit by selling several types of products to the customers for donating the money to the needy people suffering from cancer. The actual results of the project report could be ascertained as that the Kungfu group bought certain products at the amount of à £224 and sold the same at à £304.7. Therefore, the profit amount realised to à £80.7, which was donated to help the sufferers (Kungfu Panda, n.d.). The differences between the plan and actuals could be defined as effective strategy based on which the predetermined objectives of a program are achieved within a specific timeframe (Grant net, 2008). In this regard, one of the differences between the planned and actual objectives relating to the group work can be apparently observed as getting the objectives to get framed initially and fulfilling the same with utmost priority. There are certain differences to be noted amid planned and actual objectives, as based on the plans derived, at certain times the desired purpose could not be made effective. To make the program i.e. the charity event successful, it is essential to motivate the people to purchase different products as offer by the group. In this regard, motivational theory is appropriate to encourage the people to buy the products that offer by the group, as this is deemed to be one of the easy ways of making the people to support the same (Berliner & Calfee, n.d.). However, one of such differences could be ascertained as the unwillingness of the people towards supporting the event due to having lack in motivation. Specially mentioning, one of the main products of the project can be apparently recognised as listing the selling of certain essential products to raise funds for donating to the organisation of Cancer Research UK. Such products include jelly, coconut juice, chocolate crisps,
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