Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Teen Suicide Causes And Effects - 2454 Words

Teen Suicide is a big problem around the world where it is causing Teens/Kids to kill themselves or harm themselves in some type of way. Don’t you ever just wonder why they wanna kill themselves ? or like how their Parents or closest Friends would react if they found out there Daughter/Son or Friend is found lifeless in their own house and there only at the age of 12 - 19 ? There are so many questions that everybody wants to get answered from the Teen that decides to take there own life . Over the past 45 years the Global rate of Teenage Suicide has increased by 60%. Everybody wants to know solutions about how to stop the Suicidal percentage going up and how to stop their Teens to become suicidal. This Research paper will tell you about Teen suicide’s History/Background , The causes and effects, and also solutions to ending this Deadliness massacre that is the most reasons why people take there own life. Everybody wants to know what causes Teen Suicide well According t o â€Å"Livestrong ‘Causes of Teen Suicide’† Teens may have been a victim of Physical abuse or Sexual abuse . Also many other reasons that teens may be depressed is that they can be suffering from a reflection of their parents divorce. What Teen suicide causes to them is that they can be addicted to Drug Or Alcohol which leads to impulsive behavior, Teen’s go through Stress, Confusion, Depression, and they go through a Vulnerable Period. There is more causes of suicide that can be researched and the causes youShow MoreRelatedThe Cause And Effect Of The Teen Suicide Essay1334 Words   |  6 PagesTeen suicide is a big problem all around the world, and we try to prevent it by offering help, and medications for whatever these teens are going through. What you may or may not know is that although we do offer help, these teens who are suicidal face negative criticism which sometimes pushes them to do something drastic. What I would like to accomplish with my paper would be to give my audience, not only a better understanding of some of the causes and effects of being suicidal, but also explainRead MoreEssay on Causes and Effects of Teen Suicide599 Words   |  3 Pagesbetween the ages 15-25 years tries to kill themselves every year; 5000 succeed. The most common causes? Stress, bullying, failed relationships, abuse, and failures at studies. Teenage suicide is wrong, it indicates how ruthless today’s society is, and it proves that sometimes, teenagers feel like they can’t be understood or accepted, that they don’t have an adult or close friend to consult to. Teenage suicide is truly sad, to even think that someone feels the absolute need to end their life because thereRead MoreEssay about Teen Suicide916 Words   |  4 Pagesproblems on a daily basis. When they are unable to deal with those daily hassles, serious problems can develop within the teen that can ultimately lead to resulting effects including depression or even suicide. Suicide in teens is one of the most traumatic and problematic issues that we face today in not only adults but many adolescents as well. Today suicide is one of the top causes for death in teenagers, out shadowed only by homicides and accidents. Some of the top â€Å"accidents† include drug overdosesRead MoreInformative Speech - Teen Suicide Essay854 Words    |  4 PagesInformative speech; teen suicide. General Purpose: To inform. Specific Purpose: Today I will be discussing the topic of teen suicide. Central Idea: Teen suicide is a growing health concern in the US as it is the third leading cause of death among young people [Linn-Gust, 2001]. Thesis: In order to better understand teen suicide, it is important to explore the causes of teen suicide, what are the symptoms and/or signs, and what can be done to prevent teen suicide. OrganizationalRead MorePreveting Teen Suicide823 Words   |  3 Pageseverything goes black. Suicide is the third cause of death in teens. It takes about 35,000 lives each year, almost 11 million people have tried to take their lives. Suicide can be triggered by many things, this action has many effects but can be solved with some simple steps. Suicide can be triggered by many actions. To start off with , suicide can be caused by many different feelings. Feelings of guilt, shame, anger, rejection or loss can cause suicide. According to D’Arcy LynessRead MoreJosee Young . Eng Iv B 1St Hr. May 19, 2017. Suicide1564 Words   |  7 Pages Eng IV B 1st hr May 19, 2017 Suicide One of the questions sociologists have attempted to answer is. â€Å" What drives people to commit suicide? Most teens who have been interviewed after a suicide attempt say that what causes teen suicide are feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Suicide is when a person end his or her own life. Studies show that at least 90% of teens who kill themselves have some type of mental health problem, such as depressionRead MoreThe Problem Of Teen Suicide1609 Words   |  7 PagesTeen suicide is one of the largest problems facing America at the moment, and it will only become worse if the country does not come up with a solution. â€Å"According to the American Psychiatric Association, suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people between eleven and eighteen years of age (Teen Suicide).† American families can not keep losing sons and daughters to this entirely preventable epidemic. The largest issue with teen suicide is that Americans are using largely outdatedRe ad MoreTeen Suicide, Depressing Isn t It? If You Only Knew?1158 Words   |  5 PagesTeen Suicide, Depressing Isn’t It? If You Only Knew †¦ According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary, suicide is a noun defined as the act of taking your own life because you do not want to continue living. Teenage is a noun defined as relating to people who are between thirteen and nineteen years old (Merriam-Webster). Several factors can lead to a teenager making the decision to commit suicide. When it does happen or an attempt is made, it can be very difficult to pinpoint the reason(s). TeensRead MoreTeen Suicide Essay891 Words   |  4 Pagesanother man without Clementi’s knowledge, Clementi committed suicide. The actual definition of suicide is â€Å"the action of killing oneself intentionally†. The act of suicide is a serious matter, and is particularly prevalent among teens and young adults. The best way to prevent teen suicide is through informing people of its existence, and educating them on the warning signs and prevention methods. In this essay I will explain why suicide is a major public health problem throug h statistics, show theRead MoreSocial Media Has Taken The World By Storm933 Words   |  4 Pagesinteractions and introduces a world entered using only the touch of a finger. It is estimated that 69% of teens, aged 12 to 18, own their own computer and/or smartphone and 80% of those teens are active on one or more social media sites (Laird, 2012). Thus, a good portion of this generation’s social and emotional development is occurring while engaged on social media. We don’t always know if what teens are accessing are influencing them more positively or negatively, but what we do know is that teenagers

Monday, December 23, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay - 843 Words

Joyner Crane 9 /10/2014 EH 101-BD Many people in today’s society tend to believe that a good education is the fastest way to move up the ladder in their chosen. People believe that those who seek further education at a college or university are more intelligent. Indeed, a college education is a basic requirement for many white collar, and some blue collar, jobs. In an effort to persuade his audience that intelligence cannot be measured by the amount of education a person has Mike Rose wrote an article entitled â€Å"Blue Collar Brilliance†. The article that appeared in the American Scholar, a quarterly literary magazine of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, established in 1932. The American Scholar audience includes, Company’s , Employees,†¦show more content†¦The reader can also understand that the article was written to persuade the reader that intelligence cannot be defined by the amount of education a person has received. In the article, Rose use many emotional personal examples to help the reader understand the amount of hard work and intelligence a blue collar job requires. Rose creates a personal connection with the reader by describing his first-hand experience of growing up watching his mother put her heart and soul into being a waitress in a restaurant. Rose says, â€Å"She described the way she memorized who ordered what, how long each dish is supposed to take to prepare, and how she became a pro at meeting the emotional needs of her customers and colleagues alike.† From the quote in the article the reader understand that Roses mother was required to have a high level of intelligence in order to meet the needs of her customers and colleagues alike in order to do her job proficiently. Rose uses emotion in this quote to make the reader relate to his mother and understand that she was a hard worker and did everything in her power to do whatever it took in order to hopefully receive a tip t hat would be used to support her family. Rose also says, â€Å"I couldn’t have put it in words when I was growing up, but what I observed in my mother’s restaurant defined the world of adults, a place where competence was synonymous with physical work†. Rose uses in this quote to relate that his mother’s jobShow MoreRelatedThe Tipping Point: Rhetorical Analysis Essay813 Words   |  4 PagesThe Tipping Point: Rhetorical Analysis Throughout The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell explains to his reader his ideas about drastic changes in society, and how they seem to occur so rapidly. In this particular selection, Gladwell emphasizes the purpose of â€Å"connectors†, saying that they have a â€Å"special gift for bringing the world together (page 38)†. Gladwell states that part of the reason information or trends spread like wildfire is the presence of a specific group of people. They are called â€Å"connecters†Read MoreRhetorical Analysis Of The Death Of The Moth And On Keeping A Notebook 1427 Words   |  6 Pages19, September, 2014 9th Ni Device Use Analysis Rhetoric devices are often used by writers to clarify ideas, emphasize key points, or relate insights to the reader. In both â€Å"The Death of the Moth† and â€Å"On Keeping A Notebook, † the authors heavily rely on such devices to get their points across to the audience, and these devices help strengthen overall theme the authors want to communicate. 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In Will McAvoy’s speech on â€Å"The Newsroom†, McAvoy uses a variety of rhetorical devices such as Anthypophora, Asyndeton, and Dysphemism to convey the message that America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. First, Anthypophora is one of the three most effective rhetorical devices used in this powerful speech. Anthypophora is when the speaker asks a question, but instead of letting someone answer, the speaker immediatelyRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of Ellen DeGeneress Commencement Speech Essay1144 Words   |  5 Pages Ellen’s Commencement Speech Rhetorical Analysis Graduation caps fly into the air, cheers erupt, and diplomas are received. This is a typical graduation day. Not only did these ceremonial events take place for Tulane Universitys class of 2009, but Ellen DeGeneres was there to congratulate them as well! This class was dubbed the Katrina Class for being survivors of the devastating Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Katrina was named one of the deadliest Hurricanes, causing more than 1,836Read MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr.976 Words   |  4 Pagespopulation? In all of the speeches, one way or another, Dr. King used several different rhetorical devices in order to defend his own actions. In specific, two of his speeches, â€Å"I have a Dream† and â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail† Dr. King used the rhetorical devices of anaphora, allusion, and diction to relay his thoughts of what is right, and also as a way to build a common ground with his audience. Though the rhetorical devices are share d between the two speeches, there are also several differences.Read MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Andrew Sinek s Ted Presentation1263 Words   |  6 Pagesstock that s going in the opposite direction—down—from the most desired direction—up. This is a provocative opening that engages the audience right away. 2. Ask a series of rhetorical questions. A common way to engage the audience at the start is to ask a rhetorical question. Better still, start with a series of rhetorical questions. A good example of this tactic is Simon Sinek s TED presentation. He starts with: How do you explain when things don t go as we assumed? Or better, how do you explainRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of A Life Beyond Do What You Love 1020 Words   |  5 PagesIn his New York Times article â€Å"A Life Beyond Do What You Love† Gordon Marino poses the question But is do what you love wisdom or malarkey? after giving us an anecdote about students coming to him for career advice. The article which uses many rhetorical devices which make the audience think about their choices in careers and what you should and want to do. The author also cites different sources for his article and past life experiences. Marino then end his article by saying many great leadersRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of A Life Beyond D o What You Love Essay2042 Words   |  9 Pagesuse of rhetorical devices. Dr. Marino is a very highly educated philosopher who earned his Ph.D. at University of Chicago, M.A. university of Pennsylvania, and B.A. Columbia University. He typically publishes to the New York Times, for his writing mostly appeals to all people because so many can relate to this article. Marino effectively argues that sometimes individuals must sacrifice their passions to provide for their loved ones using rhetorical devices, hypophora, anecdote, rhetorical questionsRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Rhetorical And Rhetorical Analysis1188 Words   |  5 Pages1. Rhetorical Analysis is the careful examination of texts, videos, and images to understand how they function in conveying their message. The definition of rhetorical analysis will help me better understand what I should be looking for when I receive a text, as rhetorical analysis is different than literary analysis. Therefore, the devices for each are also different (Lunsford et al. 88). 2. Intended audience is the initial step to any rhetorical analysis. If you are unable to identify an audience

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Female Skeletal Maturation Evaluation Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

Abstraction: The purpose of this survey was to look into the interrelatednesss between skeletal adulthood indexs of manus carpus radiogram, inframaxillary eyetooth calcification phases and cervical vertebrae ripening as seen on orthopantomograph and sidelong cephalogram and besides to correlate them with chronological age. The samples were derived from dental panoramic, sidelong cephalogram and hand-wrist radiogram of 173 female topics. The CVM was assessed utilizing the method developed by Julian vocalist, the hand-wrist ripening was assessed utilizing the method developed by Fishman and Calcification of the inframaxillary eyetooths was rated harmonizing to the system of Demirjian. We will write a custom essay sample on Female Skeletal Maturation Evaluation Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Statistical analysis of the information was performed with computing machine package and the interrelatedness between all the three methods was analyzed utilizing â€Å" qi † square trial. Based on the recorded information from the present survey the undermentioned decisions possibly drawn: Phase II of manus carpus radiogram coincides with phase F of eyetooth calcification and Acceleration phase of cervical vertebrae ripening. Stage III of manus carpus radiogram coincides with phase G of eyetooth calcification and passage phase of cervical vertebrae ripening. Stage V of manus carpus radiogram coincides with phase H of eyetooth calcification and slowing phase of cervical vertebrae ripening. Cardinal Wordss: Cervical vertebral ripening ; Hand-wrist ripening ; Skeletal adulthood ; Chronological age. Introduction Biologic age, skeletal age, bone age, and skeletal ripening are about synonymous footings used to depict the phases of ripening of a individual. Sexual ripening features, chronologic age, dental development, tallness, weight, and skeletal development are some of the more common means that have been used to place phases of growing. Because of single fluctuations on timing, continuance and speed of growing, skeletal age appraisal is indispensable in explicating feasible orthodontic intervention plans.1 To maximise the curative consequence, unluckily a low correlativity has been found between general skeletal adulthood and facial growing as measured by common parameters.2 The standard method of measuring skeletal adulthood has been to utilize a manus carpus radiogram to compare the castanetss of an person ‘s hand.3-5 To avoid taking an extra X ray, nevertheless, some research workers have sought to associate ripening with dental and skeletal characteristics other than the castanet ss in the manus wrist.2 Lamparski in 1972 found that cervical vertebrae, as seen on everyday sidelong cephalogram were as statistically and clinically dependable in measuring skeletal age as handwrist technique.2 A ; 6 Dental development indexs are non dependable forecasters of an person ‘s phase of skeletal development.7-18 Because there is broad fluctuation among persons in the timing of the pubertal growing jet, chronologic age can non besides be used in the rating of adolescent growth.19-25,35 Skeletal adulthood is influenced in each person by a combination of familial and environmental factors. The ossification sequence and timing of the skeletal adulthood within the hand-wrist country show polymorphism and sexual dimorphism, which can restrict their clinical prognostic use.26-32, 36 MATERIALS AND METHODS The sample was derived from pre intervention orthopantomograph, sidelong cephalogram and manus wrist radiogram of 173 female patients from the section of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Bapuji Dental College and Hospital, Davangere. The topics were seeking orthodontic intervention and were representatives of the general population that might be expected to profit from the consequences of this probe. A sum of 173 patients aged from 8-15 old ages were taken and they were chronologically divided into 8 groups, each dwelling of minimal 20 topics. All the patients included in the survey were females. A sidelong cephalogram, orthopantomograph and manus carpus radiogram taken on the same twenty-four hours were used for this survey. All the radiogram were taken with same x-ray equipment at the same distance and strength. The records were evaluated by the same operator. Skeletal adulthood indexs were assessed from the manus carpus radiogram by Julian Singer ‘s standards. Skeletal adulthood indexs assessed were the ossification phases of 2nd figure proximal phalanx, 3rd figure center and distal phalanx, the ossification of adductor sesamoid and ossification of maulerss of unciform bone, pisiform, ulna and radius. Calcification phases of inframaxillary eyetooth were determined from the orthopantomographs based on Demirijians phases of tooth calcification. Cervical vertebrae ripening of the sample were evaluated by the Hassel A ; Farman alteration of Lamparski ‘s standards, which assesses maturational alterations of the II, III and IV cervical vertebrae. Radiographs of each patient were analyzed by utilizing computing machine, Scanner and Printer. The radiogram were ab initio scanned image of these radiograms as seen on the computing machine proctor was analyzed and a printout of the same was taken on the DTP paper through the Laser pressman. The illation of each was mentioned on the printouts along with patients name, age and sex. After obtaining the above mentioned printouts, comparing and correlativity of the three different methods and with the chronological age was evaluated subsequently. Consequences The interrelatedness between the manus carpus radiogram, laniary calcification and cervical vertebrae ripening were analyzed statistically by â€Å" qis † square analysis and the undermentioned consequences were obtained. The frequence of happening of skeletal adulthood indexs with laniary calcification phases are: Hand carpus OPG Percentage Stage – I ( Early ) Stage – Tocopherol 47 % Stage – II ( Pre pubertal ) Stage – F 70 % Stage – III ( Pubertal Onset ) Stage – Gram 73 % Stage – IV ( Pubertal ) Stage – Gram 53 % Stage – V ( Pubertal Deceleration ) Stage – Hydrogen 75 % Stage – VI ( Growth Completion ) Stage – Hydrogen 68 % The frequence of happening of skeletal adulthood indexs with cervical vertebrae ripening phases are: Hand carpus Lateral Ceph. Percentage Stage – I ( Early ) Stage – I 58 % Stage – II ( Pre pubertal ) Stage – Two 60 % Stage – III A ; IV ( Pubertal Onset A ; pubertal ) Stage – Three 71 % A ; 72 % Stage – V ( Pubertal Deceleration ) Stage – Four 52 % Stage – VI ( Growth Completion ) Stage – Volt 71 % The frequence of happening of cervical vertebrae ripening phases with laniary calcification phases are: Lateral Ceph. OPG Percentage Stage – I ( Initiation ) Stage – Tocopherol 47 % Stage – II ( Acceleration ) Stage – F 58 % Stage – III ( Transition ) Stage – Gram 63 % Stage – IV, V A ; VI ( Deceleration, ripening A ; completion ) Stage – Hydrogen 61, 95 A ; 50 % Discussion The growing factor is a critical variable in orthodontic intervention. A intervention program can change from orthognathic surgery to extraction of dentitions to non extraction of dentitions, depending on the growing factor. Genetic and racial diverseness and other environmental influences have a pronounced consequence on the rate of development of the prepubertal and pubertal growing of the kid. A more accurate appraisal of the physiologic development can be made by utilizing radiographic scrutiny of the calcified constructions in the manus wrist.21 Numerous efforts has been made in the yesteryear to measure the dental age by finding either the figure of teeth nowadays in the unwritten pit or by surveies based on calcification of multiple dentition. Given the good established relationship between skeletal and bodily adulthood, phases of inframaxillary eyetooth calcification can be used as ca foremost level diagnostic tool to gauge the dental age. This tooth in peculiar has enjoyed e qual importance, since its phases of calcification provide a readily recognizable indicant of the adulthood position in an individual.27 Relationship between the phases of tooth mineralization of inframaxillary eyetooth appears to co-relate better with ossification phases than the other dentition. On the other manus the usage of cervical vertebrae to find skeletal adulthood is non new. The maturational alterations of cervical vertebrae as seen on sidelong cephalogram are clinically dependable in measuring skeletal age. Knowledge of these phases of ripening that a kid has attained aids in measuring his/her patterned advance through developmental position. This information bears great clinical importance in placing the optimum clip for prompt orthodontic direction of child.14 The intent of this survey was to supply the orthodontist with an extra tool to assist find growing potency in the adolescent patient. This was o be accomplished by utilizing anatomic alterations of the cervical vertebrae observed on the sidelong cephalogram and eyetooth calcification phases as seen on the OPG. By utilizing routinely taken diagnostic radiogram the orthodontist would hold a dependable diagnostic tool to assistance in explicating intervention options. The present survey investigated the relationship between the skeletal adulthood indexs in manus carpus radiogram, laniary calcification and cervical vertebrae ripening phases. The survey besides compared the relationship between chronological age and assorted skeletal adulthood indexs. This survey consists of 173 female topics with the age group runing from 8-15 old ages, and the undermentioned findings were obtained phase II of manus carpus radiogram coincided with phase F of eyetooth calcification and Acceleration phase of cervical vertebrae ripening. These findings were in conformity with the survey conducted by Sandra Coutinho.10 On the other manus the relationship with cervical vertebrae ripening were in conformity with the survey conducted by Hassel and Farman in which phase II is in correlativity with skeletal adulthood indexs like breadth of epiphysis is every bit broad as shaft of 5th finger in-between phalynx. Stage III of handwrist radiogram coincides with phase G of eyeto oth calcification and passage phase of cervical vertebrae ripening. Stage V of manus carpus radiogram coincides with phase H of eyetooth calcification and slowing phase of cervical vertebrae ripening. Canine calcification findings were in understanding with the surveies conducted by Chertkow and Fatti.12 Decision Based on the recorded information from the present survey the undermentioned decisions can be made. Stage II of manus carpus radiogram coincided with phase F of eyetooth calcification and Acceleration phase of cervical vertebrae ripening. Stage III of handwrist radiogram coincides with phase G of eyetooth calcification and passage phase of cervical vertebrae ripening. Stage V of manus carpus radiogram coincides with phase H of eyetooth calcification and slowing phase of cervical vertebrae ripening. The ability to accurately measure skeletal adulthood from inframaxillary eyetooth calcification and cervical vertebrae ripening, without the demand for extra radiogram, has the potency to better orthodontic diagnostic and curative determinations. The techniques simpleness and easiness of usage should promote these methods as first degree diagnostic tool to measure skeletal adulthood. How to cite Female Skeletal Maturation Evaluation Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Setting up a New Business Entrepreneurs Planning

Question: Describe about the Setting up a New Business for Entrepreneurs Planning. Answer: In todays world, all the aiming entrepreneurs are planning their way to start a business as no business can be planned to get started without an idea in mind. It is a journey that needs a lot of hard work as many people fail starting up a business of their own[1]. In order to set up a business a person may face various challenges that would not have been otherwise faced if a person works for someone else. It includes finance management, hiring of staff and doing research of the relevant market[2]. One day I got a chance to meet a lady, after conversing with whom I got to know that she is a bit confused related to starting up a business. As she was running a business of providing aloevera products to people which she started as a result of an incident which happened 2 years back I her house only. Her mother-in-law was bedridden and had a knee problem because of which she was not able to move although she went through a operation but no result came. One day somebody told her to apply aloevera which gave positive result in some months as a result of which she started walking in few months from one place to another in her house. So the lady thought to help others so that they can also get benefit of a natural medicine. Finally she started selling aloevera made products which are now helping people drastically. Part- 1 (Questions with Clients Answer) 1: What business you want to invest your money into. You will continue to work as a sole trader or you want to go for opening up of a company? As from last two years I have been working as a sole trader and doing this business from home. I would like to set up a company of my own. Which I am planning to widen by opening a company and stop doing the work from home as it is now impossible for me to take care of home and business solely as my family is expanding. But I am a little confused as to how to give it a start. 2: Do you think your business will survive in the market where there are already so many ayurvedic or such type of items being sold your business will survive? Yes, because my business is not like other businesses. I am not advertising my products to be sold or hiring celebrities to advertise my products. My products are being sold by mouth to mouth advertising as a result of which it bear less cost on advertisement. I only want to open a company my work is already earning well from home I only am expanding the same. My old customers are my celebrities who are getting me more people not by simply telling people to buy but doing that because they used my products and have seen results of the same. 3: As per your consideration or knowledge what do you understand by forming a company? Do you think it is easy to enter into formation of a company when you are a sole trader? Yes, and I know it is not easy to own a company when you have been working as a sole trader as different regulation will apply if a sole trader wants to go for formation of a company. 4: Apart from companies dont you want to invest your company in any other structure of business which prevails in industry? I am aware that there are four structures basically that should be kept in mind. Therefore, I have a scope and option as to which form to adopt in order to set up a business. As my past experience with trusts have been bad so I would not go for trusts anymore and as I have been doing my business solely as a sole trader so now I want to invest my money and want to expand my business by opening up a company. 5: Do you know what is the legal process to be followed in order to formation of a company and get a company registered? As per the Australian Securities Investments Commission there is a INFO 61 i.e. the information sheet which sets out different steps which are to be followed in order to form a company. 6: In which type of company would you plan to invest? Either in a Public Company or a Private Company? I would like to invest in a Public Company. There are major differences which are seen in both the companies. 7:What about going for a Partnership or Joint Venture. Why dont you go for any of these? There is nothing like why. I know that Partnership as I told you earlier is a good form of business where you can form a arrangement between other person and work in order to earn profit and also it might be possible that the other person have a expertise knowledge about anything which can help you building up your business or can take your work to different level on which you spare less time and energy and earn more in less time. 8: As you know so much about what is a company and Partnership and Joint Venture. So now do you think to change your mind and go for a partnership or a Joint Venture. Yes, I will think about it. Therefore, I will give it a thought and have a stdy as to what type will suit my requirements to form a business. 9: Now are you satisfied with whatever we discussed in regard to setting up a business? Yes, to some extent as by discussing the things look different and in books they are different. So I will surely read all the regulations properly and then make my decision as to what type of business I will enter into. 10: Do you know that before entering into business with anyone you should have a legal contract? Yes and there are some specific points which should be kept in mind before doing or entering into contract with other person. Part II (Relevant Law) As per the discussion with the client, certain observations were made and also a brief comparison between three business structures have been discussed in order to make client understand that what suits the client better. The business idea of the client have been understood with the current market scenario and development in market. It was clearly seen and observed that: Client has Clear thinking as to the business idea which she wants to pursue. She hasLimited funds to invest with the view to earn more profits. She is to some extent ready to take risk but is adamoned in payment of debts from her persona; eanings. she is interested in going for company but wants to think again by studying deeply the regulations in regard to partnership and joint venture. The best business structure according to client is to form a company under Corporation Act, 2001.A company is described as an organization of people who work for earning profit and achieving the desired goal under law and also have a separate legal entity from the people who are working inside it or who put their money in it. Investors invest huge amounts in companies for which they earn dividends. There are four types of business structures which are sole trader, partnership, company and joint venture[3]. As per the Australian Securities Investments Commission there is a INFO 61 i.e. the information sheet which sets out different steps which are to be followed in order to form a company which are as follows: Deciding if the company structure which you thinking to establish is right for you or not. As there are certain legal obligations for the officers of the office. To make choice of what the name of the company will be. To decide the operation of the company. To get approval of the other person involved in formation of a company. Get your company registered. To know and acquire the Australian Company Number(ACN ) and Australian Business Number (ABN )[4]. Once a company is being registered, As per Corporations Act 2001, ASIC gives a unique 9 digit no. i.e. Australian Company Number( ACN) which msut be there on all the documents of the company in order to identify the company when doing transactions[5]. There are two types of companies under the corporation act, 2001 and they hae differences as stated below: Private company Have minimum atleast 1 member and maximum upto 50 whereas public company have minimum of 1 member and maximum no limit. Private company is not listed on stock exchanges whereas public company can be unlisted or listed. Private company can hold shares in listed companies whereas public company can own Pty Ltd companies. Private companies can make an offer of shares to existing shareholders or employees or subsidiary of companies whereas Public listed or unlisted companies can raise fund by way of prospectus. ASIC regulates private companies and public companies irrespective of their listing on stock exchange. If public companies are listed then they are regulated by ASIC and APRA but if unlisted then they are also be regulated by ASX. In private company, majority are registered as ASIC says that there were 2,223,022 private companies out of which 99% are registered whereas in Public Company majority are registered as ASIC says that there were 22,342 public companies of which 1% of all are registered companies[6]. Partnership Act Section 1 of the Act states that in order to form a partnership it should contain three elements that are: To carry a business Commonly To earn profit If anyone of the following elements are missing then partnership will not take place. Partnerships are non- registered but their business name must be registered if business partners decide not the do business in their own name. The liability of partners is unlimited. Agreements between the partners will protect their relationship with one another and will not put any impact on third party[7]. Whereas a Joint Venture is established between 2 or more person and organizations for completing a specific project by entering into a legally binding agreement which is enforced like a contract[8]. They may be incorporated or corporate. But are not recognized as separate legal entity. As Contract is a agreement which can be either verbal or written. Although, if a contract is written it will be relied and taken into consideration in a better manner and low risk involved as it is taken on paper and is not dependent upon the words spoken by other person. There may be a different and customized contract being created by the owner of a business with simple and legal language which is understood by other. There are many clauses which are to be included in a contract some of which are: Names, signatures and other business or the parties Mode of payments Confidential information Procedure for dispute settlement etc so it should be read carefully[9]. Also as per section 6 of the act, some rules are to be referred by a individual in order to get involved as a partner in a firm[10]. Duties and responsibilities have been covered under some rules which are set out in state based laws. They include a rule generally applicable that all the partners share profits and capital money of the business and contribute losses also in the same manner[11] Part III (Recommendations) Therefore it is highly recommended that as she was engaged in sole properitorship business which she was doing at home and now she wants to expand her business outside for which she wants to go for opening up of a company as she had less funds to invest and more to get in future. As companies are regulated by ASIC and this is how the rules are being implemented in the right manner to get the companies established by obtaining a no. which every company have its own. So it is upto the client what she wishes to obtain but there is an option which can be adopted either to go for partnership or Joint venture as less finances are there with you and you have to establish your business outside in market where already so many competitors are prevailing. So you can go for a partner who have the knowledge of the market and he will guide you and help you in a better manner as he knows the in and out. You should have a research over the market and see who can be a partner to your business But it is suggested that she can go for a partnership business so that her burden of work can be divided and more people are engaged in order to help her by which more people get connected to her business. A valid and enforceable contract should be done between the two on which both the parties are agreed and it is upto you that what all conditions you put and what al are accepted by the other party. So it is not compulsory that the said contract be done only. And the contract should be made in writing and within which the clauses can be mentioned carefully by taking into consideration the view points of both parties. References: (Corporation Act, 2001) AustLII, Commonwealth Consolidated Act, (n.d.), https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/ca2001172/s1.5.3.html. Australian Capital Territory, Partnership Act, (1963), 2015sydney.edu.au/lec/subjects/associations/notes/Summer%202010-11/Topic%203%20-%20Partnership.doc partnership act in aus. Australian Government Business, Business structures and types, 2016https://www.business.gov.au/Info/Plan-and-Start/Start-your-business/Business-structure/Business-structures-and-types. Australian Government, What do I include in a contract?, (2016),https://www.business.gov.au/info/plan-and-start/start-your-business/independent-contractors/understanding-contracts/what-do-i-include-in-a-contract. Australian Securities Investments Commission, Starting a company - How to start a company (27th July 2016) https://asic.gov.au/for-business/starting-a-company/how-to-start-a-company/. Governance Institute of Australia Governance Foundation, Difference between private and public company structure under Corporations Act, (n.d.)https://www.governanceinstitute.com.au/media/839958/difference-between-private-and-public-company-structure-under-the-corporations-act_2015.pdf Not-For-Profit Law, Joint Ventures and Partnerships, (n.d.) https://www.nfplaw.org.au/partnerships. Studential Ltd, Why start a business (2016),https://www.studential.com/enterprise/business-start-ups/why-start-a-business. SWAAB, Business essentials, (2014) https://www.swaab.com.au/expertise/corporate/starting-up-a-business/. Taylor, N.F, How to Start a Business: A Step-by-Step Guide, Business News Daily Small Business Solutions inspiration(2016) https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4686-how-to-start-a-business.html.